Thursday, October 8, 2009

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

We took him to vet and found out he had two kinds of mange.After 6 weeks off treatment and looking like the dog was gonna die.The dog has gone under horrible skin and fur lose.We went back to the vet for more treatments and possiblemonths of treatment.Also my husband and I both have bites.How could anyone sell a dog loaded with two kinds of tiny spiders for the holiday season.The gift that keeps on giving.

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?


What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

If the dog is biting you both, then take it back :)

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

Mange is a mite the lives in the hair follicle of the dogs, not a spider. There are two types, sarcoptic and demodetic. The demodetic is much more difficult to get rid of and could take months. The is unfortunate that you and your husband have to go through this. I bought my now 8month old puppy from a breeder and he was fine for a few weeks but then began to lose his hair. I took him to the vet and he had demodetic mange. He was finally given an all clear after 4 months of weekly treatments.

Mange is genetically transfered to the pup from the mother, however most pups have an immune system strong enough to suppress and fend off the mites. Even things like stress and a new home can compromise a dogs immune system.

I would recommend pro biotics, and supplements/vitamins to help boost the pups immune system. Also a high quality diet will help. (Not Iams, Science Diet, etc. These are not high quality foods.) I wish you the best of luck as I know it is a long process.

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

I'm guessing you didn't buy him from a responsible breeder?

It's too bad you're having such a negative experience. Good luck to you with your puppy. :O(

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

First of all didn't you look at the puppy??? Couldn't you tell something was wrong with the puppy at the back yard breeders/puppy mills house??

Before you buy any do you look at the dog, look at its teeth, the skin, part the hair and look at the skin, look for fleas, look in the ears, look at the nails to see if they have been clipped, look at the eyes, the paws, the behind, examine the dog and make sure it is in good health. You ask the breeder plenty of questions and also ask to see ofa results, cerf results, msu results, and also any other genetic test results if they do not have them then do NOT buy because they are irresponsible!!!

You never purchase a dog that has any kind of health problems because you pay in the end.

If you had chosen a reputable breeder the puppy you bought wouldn't have had any kind of mange!!!

Next time instead of going to a back yard breeder/puppy mill find a reputable breeder who takes good care of their dogs, breeds to better the breed, and does genetic testing(ofa, cerf, msu, pennhip ect.).

The breeder you got your dog from was very very bad...

I would never bring a dog home that has mange!! I would have looked at the puppy and if it had a weird coat I would say forget and leave right away!!!

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

If he wasn't losing hair when you "purchased" him then no one would have any need to do a skin scrape. If you "purchased" him with hair lose already starting, why didn't you ask them what it was?

You bought a dog. You gave someone money for a life. What made you think they gave a sh*t about that life? You should only pay for vetting done.

Biting. Come on its a puppy any pup is going to do it get edumacaded on an animal pefore you throw out money to some hilljack for a pet.

What would you do if you bought a dog and had him acouple of weeks.His hair was kinda a thin,?

It's called a backyard breeder or puppy miller. They have no concern for the dogs they sell or the people they sell to. They don't care that lots of dogs they sell will die because they (and their mothers) were not given proper vet care and were likely exposed to lots of diseases and parasites such as sarcoptic mange, parvo, worms, distemper, and many others.

You should not have bought unless you had checked out the breeder. Next time go to a shelter or look on petfinder or go find a reputable breeder. You could report the breeder to animal control if you have their name (even better if you know where they live - another reason to visit the breeder, so if something goes wrong, you know where they are).

Your puppy should make a full recovery. Mange is very treatable, so just hang in there. It will get better.


Someone above listed two types of mange: Sarcoptic and Demodex. They are correct, but there is also a third, less common, variety: Cheyletiella.

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