Hi, I'm currently 19/male and my hair started thinning a few months ago I'd say. Now, the way it's thinning is weird -- it's thinning all over my head, not just the crown area or the front. In addition, I still have a small forehead so nothing has receded. The hair is just very thin on the sides and top showing scalp lines when it grows big. I'm pretty sure it's not genetic as my family has quite the amount of hair.
I took a blood test and everything was fine... even TSH (which I thought would be different as I thought I had hypothyroidism). Can anyone help me? If it makes a difference, my eyebrow hairs are also very fragile and a hair piece comes out whenever I rub it. I also noticed a very dull reddish/blondish hair that was sticking out of my eyebrow! Life's not looking to good... I always have to shave my head and wear a hat now. I used to have beautiful, rich coloured silky black hair and now it's gone :(
Hair thinning all over... still a teen...?
The pattern of hair loss that you have described is not necessarily a male pattern baldness. That along with the fact to you are having thinning of the lateral margins of your eyebrow is also indicative of a thyroid problem.
Having a doctor tell you that your labs are "normal" does not necessarily make it so. Doctors that are using outdated standards of TSH from before 2002 have a wider range of "normal." That being said, a diagnosis of hypothyroidism does not need lab work to indicated. Lab analysis is not the end all be all, yet rather should be used more for confirmation for a diagnosis.
Hypothyroidism is a slow progressing disorder in many people. Thinning of the hair is often an initial sign. Why might you ask? If your body is producing low amounts of thyroid hormone, is unable to converted it to an active form, or is unable to utilize the hormone at the receptor level, your body will not be able to regulate its own metabolism in a state that is conducive to survival.
Whenever there is an issue of survival, your body will pick and choose what is most important. Obviously things like your brain and heart are more important to your survival than your hair. This is why your hair might be the first thing to suffer, and then if things progress or continue down the same road you may start to began to see other symptoms such as heart palpitations or memory loss.
I have written an article on problems with your thyroid and fast thinning hair which you can go to at the link below, as well as my blog on treatment for thyroid disorders.
Hopefully this information was helpful.
Hair thinning all over... still a teen...?
ARE YOU TAKING TENSION OF ANYTHING ! see don't wash your hair daily apply good quality cosmetics but you've shaved it now so now it'll grow better ,hair thinning and whitening has nothing to do with your age but you must take suggestions from any skin specialist.........
Hair thinning all over... still a teen...?
Go to a Dermatologist and see if you have a skin disorder, also, perhaps you should speak to someone in the hair industry such as a beautician or barber. They have to learn about hair disorders and scalp, etc. Hope you find your answers there. And don't give up, sometimes the right person takes a while to find, you know the one with real answers to your problems. Also mention to your doctor and or ask a school nurse where you might find help. Some diseases or disorders are characteristically of the nature that you discribe. Minor disorders or injuries usually.. GL find out now. Save yourself some grief..
Hair thinning all over... still a teen...?
I'm sorry to hear that. I really don't know what to say. The only advice I have to offer is to see a doctor and/or hair care specialist. I'm sure everything will be just fine. Good luck!
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